Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Swimming, water, swimming

I have officially decided that swimming is my ABSOLUTE favorite kind of work out!  I SOOOOOOO wish I had a pool closer to where I lived, I would seriously swim everyday.  There is something so refreshing about the water, you don't feel exhausted and gross, you feel clean and refreshed after a workout.  Plus, it's a dang good workout!  Talk about every muscle in your body having to work together!

I recently invested in a kick-board and a pull-buoy, new swim suit, new goggles, and a swim cap.  Boy am I official now!  I really want to work on improving my endurance and technique this year.  I'm aiming for a once a week swim (pathetic I know, but when the pool is 40min away).

I was meant to be a fish (maybe dolphin, they sound better) in another life.  I just wish I would have had more opportunity growing up, or a possible high school swim team or something, because I seriously LOVE swimming (have you figured that out from this post yet), but I really need some proper instruction.  My technique sucks!

Well, here's to improvement!

PS. Did I mention, I got to swim with a dolphin in Hawaii this summer?

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